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[양평 맛집] 개군할머니 토종 순대국

by 단짠맛객 2018. 12. 28.

(Grandmother's Homenade Blood Sausage Soup form Gaegun-myeon)

양평으로 놀러갔다가 아는 분의 추천으로 들린 개군할머니 토종 순대국. 개군이 할머니 별명이거나, 손주 애칭을 따서 만든 이름인 줄 알았는데 그냥 여기가 경기도 양평군 개군면이었다.. 찾아가보니 예전에 방송을 탄 곳이라 시골스러운 시내임에도 불구하고 식당에는 사람들이 많이 있었다. 10분정도 기다린 듯!

I visited Yangpyeong and tried the traditional blood sausage soup recommended by an acquaintance, called 'Grandmother's Homemade Blood Sausage Soup from Gaegun-myeon'. I initially thought 'Gaegun' was the grandmother's nickname or the name given by her grandchildren, but it turns out it is actually the name of a town in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do.
When I visited the restaurant, which was recommended by someone I knew, I found that it was quite popular despite its rural location. It turned out that the restaurant had been featured on a TV show before. Although it was located in a remote village, there were many people waiting in line, and I had to wait for about 10 minutes to be seated.

순대국집 입구 사진이다. 여기가 본관이고 왼쪽에 별관도 있고 주차장도 있다. 그만큼 사람들이 많이 먹으러 오나보다.

This is a photo of the entrance to the blood sausage soup restaurant. This is the main building, and there is also a separate annex building to the left, as well as a parking lot. It seems that many people come to eat here, given the size of the restaurant and the availability of parking.

순대국집 답게 메뉴는 간단하다. 우리는 순대국과 모듬순대로 확정!

As expected of a blood sausage soup restaurant, the menu is simple. We decided to order the blood sausage soup and assorted blood sausages.

기본 찬으로 간이 나오는게 특이했다. 특히 저기 보이는 특제 소스장이 모듬순대를 더 감칠나게 했다..
기본 찬으로 김도 나오는데 이건 못찍었다. 김에 순대를 싸서 먹어봤는가 이것도 여기서만 맛볼 수 있는 유니크한 맛!!
아...또 생각나네

It was unusual to have a simple side dish served as a basic accompaniment. In particular, the special sauce seen there added more depth to the assorted blood sausages. Although they also served seaweed as a side dish, I wasn't able to take a picture of it. Wrapping the blood sausage with seaweed was a unique flavor that can only be tasted here! Oh...I'm craving it again just thinking about it

드디어나온 모듬순대, 맛은 병천순대하고 비슷한데 찹쌀? 밥알이 조금 더 많이 들어간 것같아 더 부드러운 맛이었다..! 일단 특제소스가 순대와 수육의 맛을 확실히 잡아줬달까? 그냥 먹어봐야한다..!!!

The assorted blood sausages finally arrived, and the taste was similar to that of Byungcheon blood sausages, but it seemed to contain more glutinous rice, making it even softer. The special sauce definitely enhanced the flavor of the blood sausage and boiled pork. I have to taste it again to get a better sense of the flavor!


이게 진짜 핵맛이다.
김 한장 집어들고 순대에 소스찍어 올리고 부추 올려서 한입에 와아아아앙!!!

This is the real best taste. Grabbing a sheet of seaweed, putting some sauce on the blood sausage, adding some chives, and taking a big bite all at once!

이걸 언제 또 가서 먹어보리오..
순대국밥 거기서 거기라고 하지 말아주시길..
양평가면 양평해장국이 유명하지만 그것만 유명하다고만 하면
개군할머니가 서운해 하실 맛이다.
다음에 또 먹을 수 있는기회가 있길..!!

When can I come back and taste it again? Please don't say that blood sausage soup is the same everywhere. Although Yangpyeong Haejangguk is famous in Yangpyeong, it would be unfair to say that only Yangpyeong Haejangguk is famous. I don't want to make Grandmother from Gaegun-myeon feel upset. I hope to have another chance to eat it again next time!
